About MetricHQ

MetricHQ is an open library of metrics and KPIs, contributed by experts from all over the world. Read more about our vision and mission here.

Metric definitions, calculations, benchmarks, and example use cases are added or updated on a regular basis, categorized by role, area, and by service. Metrics are also linked to similar metrics, and compared side-by-side, so that everyone can understand important differences between common terms such as Gross-Profit and Net-Profit.

As the largest directory of metrics and KPIs, MetricHQ is committed to providing verified, in-depth content, podcasts and advice about today's most important business metrics.


We believe that universally adopted open standards, including business metrics, foster collaboration, trust, and innovation among diverse stakeholders, including companies, academia, investors, regulatory bodies, and governments.

Who is MetricHQ for?

Business users are the primary audience, and reference metric definitions and improve their data literacy. Domain experts and business analysts reference, debate, and validate content. Data and analytic engineers reference definitions and contribute to concepts, expressions, and best-practices.

Who are we?

MetricHQ is governed by a group of dedicated stewards that will guide the growth and value of MetricHQ. Metric definitions, associations and related content are contributed by domain experts. MetricHQ was founded and is currently supported by Klipfolio.

Want to get involved? Help us create a platform that not only helps businesses make better decisions but also empowers them to become active participants in the evolution of metrics and KPIs. Standards and clear definitions will help everyone succeed in today's data-driven world. Get in touch!